
匿名者  2102天前

上周三在“SIM卡移植攻击(SIM Port Attack)”事件中,24小时内,我的Coinbaes账号一贫如洗,折合美金总计10w $。这个事情已经过去四天了,我非常沮丧,夜不能寐,食不下咽,被焦虑、懊悔和尴尬充斥着。




你或许还在好奇:究竟什么是SIM卡移植攻击(SIM Port Attack)。为了描述这种攻击,我们先来看一下典型的在线身份验证。对于大多数人来说,下图应该看起来很熟悉。





SIM移植攻击(SIM Port Attack)

“SIM卡移植攻击(SIM Port Attack)“是指未授权的来源即攻击者执行的恶意移植。攻击者移植你的SIM卡到他们可控的手机。然后使用你的手机号重置你主邮箱账号的密码,然后邮箱服务商便会发送账号重置密码的短信验证码到你的手机号,不过此时的验证码已经被攻击者拦截。下图逐步概述了攻击流程。




1.     你的地址、出生日期和其他个人身份相关的信息;

2.     你或你朋友的隐私照片;

3.     你的日历和近期的旅行计划;

4.     你的私有邮箱、文档和历史搜索记录;

5.     你的个人联系人、联系人信息和与联系人的关系;

6.     你的其他所有使用主邮箱账号可以来访问的在线服务。




1. 我的经验:我对整个事件的观点——如果你正在遭遇相同的事情,我所述的这些可能将是你被攻击的一些征兆。

2. 攻击者的措施:黑客进入我Coinbase账号的基本策略。

3. 我察觉到的威胁级别:事件正在发生时我察觉到的威胁级别。

4. 我应该拥有的威胁级别:事后,我希望在事情发生时我原本应该拥有的威胁级别。




1. 使用硬件钱包来保护你的密码:当你不交易时,将你的密码放到硬件钱包/离线存储/multi-sig 钱包。不要将资金闲置在交易所。我将Coinbase视为银行账户,并且在发生攻击时你绝对没有追索权。我比大多数人更了解风险,但从未想过这样的事情会发生在我身上。我非常后悔没有采取加密安全措施。

2. 基于2FA的SMS还不够强大:无论您尝试在线保护的资产和/或身份如何,都要升级到基于硬件的安全性(即:攻击者为实施攻击而必须物理获取的物理内容)。虽然Google AuthenticatorAuthy可以将您的移动设备转变为基于硬件的安全性,但我建议您更进一步——选择一个你可以物理控制并且无法被欺骗的YubiKey

3. 减少你线上的足迹:减少不必要地在线分享个人身份信息(出生日期,位置,嵌入其中的地理位置数据的图片等)。在发生攻击时,所有这些准公开数据都可以针对你。

4. GoogleVoice 2FA:在某些情况下,在线服务不支持基于硬件的2FA(它们依赖于较弱的基于SMS的2FA)。在这些情况下,你最好创建一个Google Voice电话号码(无法通过SIM卡移植)并使用双因素认证接收认证码。

5. 建立一个次级邮箱账号:不要将所有内容绑定到单个电子邮件地址,而是为关键在线身份(银行帐户,社交媒体帐户,加密交换等)使用次级邮箱账号。并且不要将此电子邮件地址用于其他任何内容并将其保密。使用某种形式的基于硬件的2FA备份该地址。

6. 离线密码管理器:使用密码管理器输入密码。更好的是,使用密码存储等脱机密码管理器。lrvick拥有各种密码管理器的优秀对比图表,以及针对更具技术倾向的审查建议。



1. 让他人知道被攻击是多么容易。

2. 通过上面所述的知识和建议来优先处理线上身份的安全性。





1. 使用TOTP来定制双因素验证

2. 双因素验证的风险和局限性

3. 如何配置安全密码管理器

4. 如何评估和配置最适合您需求的加密钱包



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2074天前 回复
Aesha Bhavsar  :  Hi,I am Tushar editor at Guru99. There is **% chance you will not open this email conside**ng its automated cold mail.But I must highlight I enjoyed your content at **s://nosec.org/home/detail/2662.htmlI could not help noticing you linked to **s://**.ledger.com/I have created a more-in depth article at **s://**.guru99.com/best-hardware-wallet-crypto.htmlCan you link to us?I did be happy to share your page with our 25k Facebook/Twitter/Linkedin Followers as a thank you.OrI am happy to do Cross-Promotion.Best,AeshaPS: I am a real person... here is a number to contact me +1 302 308 5151
926天前 回复
Aesha Bhavsar  :  Hi,I am cu**ous to know your thoughts on my proposal below.I welcome your feedback or rejection ( I pray not : - ) )=========================O**ginal message========================== =============Hi,I am Tushar editor at Guru99. There is **% chance you will not open this email conside**ng its automated cold mail.But I must highlight I enjoyed your content at **s://nosec.org/home/detail/2662.htmlI could not help noticing you linked to **s://**.ledger.com/I have created a more-in depth article at **s://**.guru99.com/best-hardware-wallet-crypto.htmlCan you link to us?I did be happy to share your page with our 25k Facebook/Twitter/Linkedin Followers as a thank you.OrI am happy to do Cross-Promotion.Best,AeshaPS: I am a real person... here is a number to contact me +1 302 308 5151
886天前 回复
Aesha Bhavsar  :  Hi,I am cu**ous to know your thoughts on my proposal below.I welcome your feedback or rejection ( I pray not : - ) )=========================O**ginal message========================== =============Hi,I am Tushar editor at Guru99. There is **% chance you will not open this email conside**ng its automated cold mail.But I must highlight I enjoyed your content at **s://nosec.org/home/detail/2662.htmlI could not help noticing you linked to **s://**.ledger.com/I have created a more-in depth article at **s://**.guru99.com/best-hardware-wallet-crypto.htmlCan you link to us?I did be happy to share your page with our 25k Facebook/Twitter/Linkedin Followers as a thank you.OrI am happy to do Cross-Promotion.Best,AeshaPS: I am a real person... here is a number to contact me +1 302 308 5151
886天前 回复
Aesha Bhavsar  :  Hi,I am cu**ous to know your thoughts on my proposal below.I welcome your feedback or rejection ( I pray not : - ) )=========================O**ginal message========================== =============Hi,I am Tushar editor at Guru99. There is **% chance you will not open this email conside**ng its automated cold mail.But I must highlight I enjoyed your content at **s://nosec.org/home/detail/2662.htmlI could not help noticing you linked to **s://**.ledger.com/I have created a more-in depth article at **s://**.guru99.com/best-hardware-wallet-crypto.htmlCan you link to us?I did be happy to share your page with our 25k Facebook/Twitter/Linkedin Followers as a thank you.OrI am happy to do Cross-Promotion.Best,AeshaPS: I am a real person... here is a number to contact me +1 302 308 5151
886天前 回复
Aesha Bhavsar  :  Hi,I am cu**ous to know your thoughts on my proposal below.I welcome your feedback or rejection ( I pray not : - ) )=========================O**ginal message========================== =============Hi,I am Tushar editor at Guru99. There is **% chance you will not open this email conside**ng its automated cold mail.But I must highlight I enjoyed your content at **s://nosec.org/home/detail/2662.htmlI could not help noticing you linked to **s://**.ledger.com/I have created a more-in depth article at **s://**.guru99.com/best-hardware-wallet-crypto.htmlCan you link to us?I did be happy to share your page with our 25k Facebook/Twitter/Linkedin Followers as a thank you.OrI am happy to do Cross-Promotion.Best,AeshaPS: I am a real person... here is a number to contact me +1 302 308 5151
886天前 回复
Aesha Bhavsar  :  Hi,I am cu**ous to know your thoughts on my proposal below.I welcome your feedback or rejection ( I pray not : - ) )=========================O**ginal message========================== =============Hi,I am Tushar editor at Guru99. There is **% chance you will not open this email conside**ng its automated cold mail.But I must highlight I enjoyed your content at **s://nosec.org/home/detail/2662.htmlI could not help noticing you linked to **s://**.ledger.com/I have created a more-in depth article at **s://**.guru99.com/best-hardware-wallet-crypto.htmlCan you link to us?I did be happy to share your page with our 25k Facebook/Twitter/Linkedin Followers as a thank you.OrI am happy to do Cross-Promotion.Best,AeshaPS: I am a real person... here is a number to contact me +1 302 308 5151
886天前 回复
Aesha Bhavsar  :  Am I getting ignored?HeyNot trying to be annoying just want to know whether the offer is not something you are looking for or you haven't received my previous email.Thanks for your time.========================O**ginal message=====================================Hi,I am Tushar editor at Guru99. There is **% chance you will not open this email conside**ng its automated cold mail.But I must highlight I enjoyed your content at **s://nosec.org/home/detail/2662.htmlI could not help noticing you linked to **s://**.ledger.com/I have created a more-in depth article at **s://**.guru99.com/best-hardware-wallet-crypto.htmlCan you link to us?I did be happy to share your page with our 25k Facebook/Twitter/Linkedin Followers as a thank you.OrI am happy to do Cross-Promotion.Best,AeshaPS: I am a real person... here is a number to contact me +1 302 308 5151
865天前 回复
Aesha Bhavsar  :  Hi,I've reached out several times but haven't heard back, which tells me one of three things:1. You’re interested in giving link back, but haven't had a chance to get back to me yet.2. You're not interested and want me to stop emailing.3. You've **llen and can't get up – in that case let me know and I'll call 911.Can you please reply with 1, 2 or 3? I don't want to be a bother.========================O**ginal message=====================================Hi,I am Tushar editor at Guru99. There is **% chance you will not open this email conside**ng its automated cold mail.But I must highlight I enjoyed your content at **s://blocktelegraph.io/kowalas-stablecoin-first-hardware-wallet/I could not help noticing you linked to **s://**.ledger.com/I have created a more-in depth article at **s://**.guru99.com/best-hardware-wallet-crypto.htmlCan you link to us?I did be happy to share your page with our 25k Facebook/Twitter/Linkedin Followers as a thank you.OrI am happy to do Cross-Promotion.Best,AeshaPS: I am a real person... here is a number to contact me +1 302 308 5151
860天前 回复
Aesha Bhavsar  :  Hi,I've reached out several times but haven't heard back, which tells me one of three things:1. You’re interested in giving link back, but haven't had a chance to get back to me yet.2. You're not interested and want me to stop emailing.3. You've **llen and can't get up – in that case let me know and I'll call 911.Can you please reply with 1, 2 or 3? I don't want to be a bother.Happy to pay for your effort========================O**ginal message=====================================Hi,I am Tushar editor at Guru99. There is **% chance you will not open this email conside**ng its automated cold mail.But I must highlight I enjoyed your content at **s://nosec.org/home/detail/2662.htmlI could not help noticing you linked to **s://**.ledger.com/I have created a more-in depth article at **s://**.guru99.com/best-hardware-wallet-crypto.htmlCan you link to us?I did be happy to share your page with our 25k Facebook/Twitter/Linkedin Followers as a thank you.OrI am happy to do Cross-Promotion.Best,AeshaPS: I am a real person... here is a number to contact me +1 302 308 5151
856天前 回复
Aesha Bhavsar  :  Hi,I've reached out several times but haven't heard back, which tells me one of three things:1. You’re interested in giving link back, but haven't had a chance to get back to me yet.2. You're not interested and want me to stop emailing.3. You've **llen and can't get up – in that case let me know and I'll call 911.Can you please reply with 1, 2 or 3? I don't want to be a bother.Happy to pay for your effort========================O**ginal message=====================================Hi,I am Tushar editor at Guru99. There is **% chance you will not open this email conside**ng its automated cold mail.But I must highlight I enjoyed your content at **s://nosec.org/home/detail/2662.htmlI could not help noticing you linked to **s://**.ledger.com/I have created a more-in depth article at **s://**.guru99.com/best-hardware-wallet-crypto.htmlCan you link to us?I did be happy to share your page with our 25k Facebook/Twitter/Linkedin Followers as a thank you.OrI am happy to do Cross-Promotion.Best,AeshaPS: I am a real person... here is a number to contact me +1 302 308 5151
856天前 回复
Aesha Bhavsar  :  Hi,I've reached out several times but haven't heard back, which tells me one of three things:1. You’re interested in giving link back, but haven't had a chance to get back to me yet.2. You're not interested and want me to stop emailing.3. You've **llen and can't get up – in that case let me know and I'll call 911.Can you please reply with 1, 2 or 3? I don't want to be a bother.Happy to pay for your effort========================O**ginal message=====================================Hi,I am Tushar editor at Guru99. There is **% chance you will not open this email conside**ng its automated cold mail.But I must highlight I enjoyed your content at **s://nosec.org/home/detail/2662.htmlI could not help noticing you linked to **s://**.ledger.com/I have created a more-in depth article at **s://**.guru99.com/best-hardware-wallet-crypto.htmlCan you link to us?I did be happy to share your page with our 25k Facebook/Twitter/Linkedin Followers as a thank you.OrI am happy to do Cross-Promotion.Best,AeshaPS: I am a real person... here is a number to contact me +1 302 308 5151
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